Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just a thought

I got a calling over text message, then a few days later was asked to speak in church over a text. To be honest I really just laughed when those text came through. I know my Bishop is very connected to technology and don't mind his invites and reminders about ward activities. It is kinda nice to be reminded he is involved and aware of our activities.

Today I was text and asked to come be set apart to my new calling during Sunday school. I quickly responded "I will be teaching Sunday school and unable to make it." The response was "okay same time next week then." I did not bother to respond I will be teaching Sunday school next week. Now I realize this is similar to an email that they might send out just quicker response time. However, I am saddened that the personal interaction is lost. Likely the person sending the text does not know who he is responding to, just one of the many he sent a mass text to. I think it is so important for people to feel like they are known and that others are aware of them. We all crave that feeling. When we become one in a mass text that feeling is lost.
I will continue to resist advances in communication technology because I miss human interaction.

The other night I sat with 5 friends all of which had their phone out. I miss the days of sitting around and just chatting without interruption. When everyone was in the same conversation without talking to someone else they would obviously rather be with. I have been in car rides where I was merely the chauffeur, because everyone had the phones out texting and calling others. I might look into that new car feature that will not allow phones to be used in the car. Not only will this keep me from being tempted to text while driving but everyone else will have to sing along with myself and Barry Manilow or NSYNC.

Maybe that is the real reason everyone is on their phone in my car.
I know I must go forward and embrace these changes but I should not have to loose human interaction. I am grateful that I can be so connected to my family despite the miles between us!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Can Do All Things Through Christ.

I was asked to give a talk on this subject this week. My thoughts went immediately to the many things I am trying to accomplish in my life. Marriage, bettering my role as a nurse, and living a healthy lifestyle to name a few. I couldn't help but think of all the solutions the world has to offer. A few years back "The Secret" taught us all how to have everything we want in life. Oprah and Dr Oz always have the latest information. Their are fad diets to produce immediate results and whatever problem you have I am pretty sure there is an App for that. None of these fads really supply us with a long term solution. So my first thought was if we turn to the Lord first for direction he will help us accomplish all things.
I called my dad and asked him for some direction in the planning of my talk. He offered great insight and took the talk in the direction I wanted it to go. He said as we come to understand the nature of Christ we gain greater insight on what the word ALL means in the statement ...I Can Do ALL Things Through Christ.

Christ focus is on our spiritual development those things that are going to bring us back into our Father in Heavens presence. So ALL things is going to mean spiritual matters rather than our worldly desires and aspirations. Even if our desire to be the top in our field of work is in the best interest of our families. We need to be disciples of Christ.

When we fear our responsibilities or feel inadequate in our callings and responsibilities.

Let us remember...I can do all things through Christ

When we feel there is no way we can pay our tithing this month.

Lets us remember... I can do all things through Christ.

When we do not feel up to home/visiting teaching, or we do not know how we will fit it in our busy schedules.

Let us remember...I can do all things through Christ.

It is all we focus on the spiritual that the other aspects of our lives will fall into place.

Let us be like Joseph of Egypt who's only focus was to serve those he was asked to serve. Maybe we too will progress to positions of great power because of our Christ like service.

May we have similar desires as the sons of Mosiah who turned down a crown to serve their Lord and Savior and bring others unto Christ.

I believe I can do ALL things through Christ when my priorities are in line with the will of my Father in Heaven.