The following are thoughts had by Jessica as she slid past her driveway...
Oh I hope I stop soon...
There is the curb...
stuck in the gutter I hope not...
I am hungry...
Remember when my house was not on a hill...
To far past the driveway I will have to turn around
The following are more thoughts as she spun her wheels attempting a turn back up the hill...
You knew this would not work...
I am hungry if I get stuck here I might not get the dinner I want...
I hope a car does not turn down this street...
burnt rubber not really a good smell...
Oh remember when my house was in the desert...
Note to self next place I live will have hot guys next door
Thoughts as she drove around the block...
Should I try from and uphill aproach or a downhill...
Who should i call to coach me...
what shall I have for dinner...
oh nice lights...
here goes nothing...
Parked safely in her driveway. Jessica heads for dinner
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