Friday, October 14, 2011

Death of a Fruit Fly

Clapping your hands frantically will yield approximately 1 fly per hour. They are tricky little buggers. You can however come at them with your finger and smash them, but you have to get the right angel so they do not see you coming. If you try to catch them in your hand they disappear when you open your hand. My solution... I run my hand under water in case they are in there I drown them.

These darn flies are driving me crazy. They like to eat my dinner when I do I would not be surprised if I had one of them for dinner last night.

My plan...though they are persistent and tricky they are dumb. I hear if you put a little treat in a bottle, then put a funnel on the top they will fly in to get the treat. But the "catch" is they will not be able to get out because they do not realize that the entrance is also the exit!

Wish me luck in my experiment. Anyone have some wine...I hear that is a good bait.


Unknown said...

My VTer told me she sucks them down with the wand attachment on her vacuum. Works lika charm.

Unknown said...

p.s. last comment is from me, your cousin Becky. Just so you know that I'm not some random stalker trying to get you to use your vacuum to decimate fruit fly populations everywhere.

Jessica said...

Thanks beck I till try that!